July 4, 2012

Dragons and Pirate earrings Happy 4th!

as i watered my garden this morning i heard what sounded like a dragon breathing fire above my head. 

why are the mountains covered in a blanket of smog you ask? because the whole state of utah is ON FIRE.

so it wasn't a dragon ....but there was fire.

my garden is doing exceptionally well. things grow so well here. i promise you, it has nothing to do with my thumbs. you plant it. you water it. it grows.


every morning, a big bowl of rasberries are ripe

thai basil
sweet basil
2 kinds of mint
lemon thyme
sweet marjoram

golden jubilee tomato
cherokee purple heirloom tomato
yellow pear tomato
black krim heirloom tomato
armenian cucumber
 yellow bell pepper

blue hubbard squash
these things get 15 to 30 lbs
good lawd

i planted 2 pumpkin plants thinking it would only produce a few pumpkins each. i'm now making plans for a pumpkin stand.
yellow watermelon
honeydew melon

they're so cute

did i mention we had pumpkins?

these cute boogars are growing too
jude scoots brother around like a choo choo and he loves it. as you can see

we did some lazy forts (we put blankets over our table) this week.  jett was in love with the lights

nom nom

bearin loves our forts.

jude. pirate ear ring. jaw breaker the size of his head. we're making memories here.

jude wearing my clogs putting on a girly show

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